I have this friend named Red.
He gets sad sometimes.
I wish I could take the blue out of his veins, the purple lines that trace his being, that mark his life.
I would remove the blue. Because im blue too.
Not green, not pink, not yellow...
Blue is the color I seek when the subway exits the tunnel.
Blue is the color I open my eyes to at 5am in the morning.
Blue is how I feel when im losing someone I love, or myself.
I have felt the deepest darkest depths of blue.
I have felt the smoothest, richest elements of blue love.
I drank the blood that had not seen air.
The color in my eyes when I'm scared.
You see, I don't mind the blue.
Im friends with it, I know it well.
So why, dear red, do you have so much?
Share it with me, I can handle it all.
I crave that blue, I greet that blue.
And you are so wonderful.
You shouldn't have to carry that blue in your purple vein.
Release it, let me see it, let me love it like I already do.
Because once you do that, once you drain and heal, I will see you.
I will see your Red.
You are my Red.
Give me that blue, so I can have my Red.
Because when you do this, you will inspire me.
You will show me strength.That I know you have.
I will see the strength that I know I have.
And I just need a little inspiration.
And pay attention, to this special life I have made.
You are in it,
And we have a plan.
To sing and dance and write those words.
That have the power to liberate you, me, everyone in sight.
So lets fight. Not just for the rev but for Red.
My red. My blue. That's mine.
This time.
I will say what I feel.
Its not washed out.
See for yourself. When I hug you again.
And tell you we have work to do.
Im ready.